We have a zeal for the gospel




Our mission at In Christ Community Church is to fulfil the command of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by making disciples in all nations. Guided by the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20), we are dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel of Christ's salvation, establishing assemblies, and nurturing believers through teaching and prayer. With a commitment to planting churches in over 180 nations, we strive to spread the message of Christ's love and redemption to every corner of the earth.


Our vision is to see Jesus Christ exalted as supreme in the lives of all who enter our doors. We aim for hearts to grasp the depth of Christ's work on their behalf, leading to a deeper identification with Him. We seek to empower individuals to discern the voice of the Good Shepherd, walking in His pre-planned purpose and direction (Ephesians 2:10). Through teaching and preaching the finished work of Christ, the ongoing work of the Spirit, and the future work of the Church, we aspire for all to experience the transformative power of Christ's love and ministry. We envision a global community where the name of Jesus is proclaimed in every service, with His wisdom guiding every endeavour.


We believe in the saving power of the Gospel of Christ. We affirm that the Gospel is the ultimate solution to all human problems. We acknowledge the responsibility to share the Gospel with all. We operate in faith, trusting in the power of God to work miracles through the Gospel. We are committed to preaching the Gospel and making disciples of all nations. We uphold the supremacy of Jesus Christ as revealed in the Scriptures. We declare Jesus Christ as the exclusive means to eternal life and place our trust in Him alone.

About us
My ICC Experience

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John Doe
