We teach God’s Word with precision & Accuracy

We strive in all our churches to rightly divide the word of truth; we bridge the time and culture gap of the Bible; showing it’s relevance and application in our world today.


All scripture is profitable for doctrine...

Access all teachings from our church services and special meetings; now you can listen to God’s word on the go.

Serving Jesus Faithfully
Serving Jesus Faithfully 2
Serving Jesus Faithfully 3

What we believe in..

We believe that all men are welcome into God’s family; therefore we aim for every heart to grasp the depth of Christ's work on their behalf, leading to a deeper identification with Him. We want all men to be empowered to discern the voice of the Good Shepherd, walking in His pre-planned purpose and direction for their lives.

About us

We give because He first gave...

”...remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.“  Acts  20 : 35b  KJV

About us

Our Campuses

We are committed to planting churches in over 180 nations, we strive to spread the message of Christ's love and redemption to every corner of the earth.

Our Campuses
Christ Community Church, HQ
Victory Event Centre, Omolayo, Akobo, Ibadan
Christ Community Church, HQ
Victory Event Centre, Omolayo, Akobo, Ibadan
Christ Community Church, HQ
Victory Event Centre, Omolayo, Akobo, Ibadan
Christ Community Church, HQ
Victory Event Centre, Omolayo, Akobo, Ibadan

Meet God's Man

With a fire and love for God in his heart, John Oluwadare God’s set man; answered the call to ministry as a teenager; he served faithfully as a youth leader in his childhood church and then in a season of waiting on the Lord began a prayer movement on campus which grew and evolved to be ICC today. He is our fun and caring father who enjoys watching football; with the love of our Lord Jesus the chief shepherd in his heart; he does not cease to feed the Lord’s sheep with wisdom and understanding; Filling every heart with the knowledge of what God is doing now!